Dr. Lina Sela-Perelman


A decade after starting my bachelor’s degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion, completing my MSc and PhD degrees in Water Resources Engineering, getting married and having two girls, I was awarded the amazing opportunity of doing a Postdoc at MIT. I packed up my husband (Gal), my two girls (Roni and Yuval), and myself and we moved from the warm and cozy Tivon to the cold and snowy Boston, MA, US.

Most of my work relates to the development of analytical tools for water distribution systems including: modeling; optimal design and operation; aggregation and clustering of large-scale systems; system security – sampling of hazardous contamination events, sensors network design, and quality faults detection.

My work at the Civil and Environmental Engineering at MIT will focus on the development of analytical tools for online monitoring of water distribution networks including the detection of leaks and pipe bursts; research on new types of chemical sensing devices; online detection of water quality anomalies; optimization strategies to control water quality and energy consumption and costs in the distribution network. The research is linked with an-ongoing research project WaterWise@sg at SMART in Singapore. I will also explore other research opportunities in related fields in MIT.

I hope to enjoy this experience personally and professionally. I am grateful for the encouragement and support of my family.